About Us

Integrative Medicine is a not an Alternative medicine but use of both conventional (allopathic) and non-conventional medical treatment especially Naturopathic treatment methods aimed to not only control but cure the disorders.

Thus, we can cure, incurable chronic and acute disorders with use of appropriate naturopathic methods like Ayurveda, Homeopathic, spiritual healing, Unani & others.

We, as a team of experts are working since December, 2019

Our Stories


New COVID JN.1 Variant is dentified in US, China India etc. with fever, running nose, sore throat, gastric, breathing difficult symptoms, We have Naturopathy which acts as both preventive & curative. Pls call 6284022613. Contact: scimlife2020@gmail.com


Our Liver Cirrhosis Patient, mobile number+919010133998 reported with a shrunken Liver, 9.1cm size as on 19.9.23, with our Naturopathic treatment, the Liver became normal with 12.2 cm size as on 16.12.23 Miracle results, Liver Cirrhosis disease can be cured without Liver transplantation. Pls call +916284022613. Contact: scimlife2020@gmail.com


A brain tumour (1.02 cm) Patient who reported with acute & chronic headache and continuous flow of tears and got admitted in Super Special Hospital for brain surgery and subsequently Patient changed her mind for not to go for brain surgery & taken our treatment, within few hours, headache and flow of tears disappeared and brain tumour completely dissolved with Naturopathy, without surgery, MIRCLE results. Pls call +916284022613. Contact: scimlife2020@gmail.com


A 63F years old Patient (9440733044) from Hyderabad who on was on bed ridden for 27 years, earlier Doctors diagnosed as MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, later they say it’s NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA. Tried all types of treatments including Allopathy, Ayurveda and homeopathy but no response. When we treated, she responded within 15 days and in three months she fully recovered.

Eleven years old girl (9966048238) had hip joint injury/sprain and suffered with severe & acute pain and bed ridden, consulted top class orthopedic super specialist doctors in Hyderabad, but there was no relief. She completely recovered with our treatment within 6 months.

Hypersensitivity Reactions

Hypersensitivity Reactions/HR, Type II is autoimmune disorder causes.

1. Hemolytic anemia(red blood cells destroyed faster than its production results into chronic and acute hemoglobin levels) 2. Thrombocytopenia(low platelet Count and causes internal bleeding) 3. Goodpasture’s syndrome(own immunity attacks Lungs- Kidneys) 4. Acute rheumatic fever 5. Myasthenia gravis(attacks muscle & nerve cells) & 6. Grave’s disease(immunity attacks thyroid gland).

All are INCURABLE, Life-threatening & some of them are Rare, Nature Cures. Pls call +916284022613 Contact: scimlife2020@gmail.com

Liver Cirrhosis

A known our Liver Cirrhosis Patient with symptoms of.. Venous Stasis (inflammatory vein in digestive system), Ascites (Water Accumulation in Stomach), Ankle swelling (Oedema), numbness etc. reported that he has Brown color urine and black stool. Brown Urine is due to Liver failure whereas black stool is passed when there is intestine bleeding, the Patient was very acute condition and all symptoms rectified immediately with Naturopathy, No ICU/Hospitalization. Pls call +916284022613. Contact: scimlife2020@gmail.com


Our experience reveals that a Cancer Patient without biopsy, Surgery, Chemo/Radiotherapy recovering like any other disorder, biopsy & surgery causing fast spread/Metastatis whereas Chemo/Radiotherapy weakening the IMMUNITY, body’s recovering Power, Patients reporting that Chemo/Radiotherapy damages the health more than the Cancer.

Cardiac Tamponade

Cardiac Tamponade is a rare incurable heart disorder where the sac in the heart muscle is filled with fluids and interferes with heart functioning & causes heart failure, heart attack and Life threatening. Causes are many, viral infections, side effects of standard drugs, Liver failure etc. We have miracle curative treatment.


OPIOIDS are standard drugs derived from Opium Poppy Plant, used for brain diseases & Pain relief. With continuous use of these drugs Patient addict & it has become Opioid Use Disorder/OUD, a complex illness & 8 lac Patient died in the USA, to treat OUD, FDA and AMA developed set of chemicals & same causes massiv side effects. Curable with Naturopathy.


Trigeminal nerve carries the sensation/signals from eye, nose, throat, ear, tongue etc to brain. When this nerve gets injured/damaged/ pressed causes inflammation and chronic pain, headache will appear from skull of the brain to face/neck, INCURABLE, We cured a Patient given up Neurologist.


A rare conditions where tumors are too close to areas of the brain that control important functions as don’t have clear borders & are hard to distinguish from healthy tissues, surgery would result in a significant loss of function, we are dissolving the brain tumors with herbs without surgery.

BLOOD IN URINE is a serious health disorder, may be due to...

Urine Track Infection/UTI, Kidney Infection, Gallbladder disease, Kidney stones, Enlarged prostrate, Kidney Diseases, Cancer, Side effects of Stanford Drugs, Hard exercise etc.

Life Threatening & INCURABLE.

All above disorders are curable with Naturopathy without Surgery.


A Patient/9666620145 diagnosed as ITP/Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura Disease in 2022, where Platelet Count will reduces leads purpura spots on skin & internal bleeding, given up by Super Special Hospitals & subsequently diagnosed as Evans Syndrome, where haemoglobin will reduce to low levels, autoimmune Incurable blood disorders, LIFE Threatening, We cured both completely with Naturopathy.


APPENDIX is a muscular pouch like organ in the large intestine, it is rich in lymphoid cells & helps in fighting infection, indigestible food passes from small intestine to large intestine & into appendix and same expels this food, if any blockage causes inflammation & immense pain is APPENDICITIS, Curable with Naturopathy without surgery.


Mucous membrane is a 3 layers tissue lines inside of organs & cavities throughout the body, it lubricants & protect organ and cavities from abrasive particles/body fluids/pathogens & acts as protective barrier/immunity and 200 times larger than Skin, virus/fungi/bacteria causes infection & make inflammation, incurable, We are curing with Naturopathy.


Irregular sleeping causes 80 health disorders like BP, Diabetes, Neuropathy etc. Minimum 6- 8 hour sleep is mandatory to keep good health and time of going to bed must be between 10- 11 PM & must getup before Sun rise, We have miracle Neuropathic Medicine for Sleep disorders.


Save yourself from DENGUE and same is spreading like Fire, temperature will disappear within 1 hour, platelets Count will restore in few hours and Viral infection will go away in 12-24 hrs, No hospital/platelets transfusion required/GUARANTEED recovery.


Diagnosed on 07.08.2023, four years old girl, Hospitalized ICU Cancer Patient with severe symptoms discharged from Hospital as per our advice, Recovering with Naturopathy treatment, symptoms disappeared, MIRACLE results, No Surgery/No Chemo/No Radiotherapy, 13.08.2023.

UMA F34 (96666620145)

C.T. Brain Plain dated 23.6.2023

1. Extra axial Hypodense in right Parietal region of the brain, 60×10×48mm.

2. Chronic subdural haemorrhage in right side/bleeding and causing Headache.

3. Suspicious mixed echogenic area in Left frontal region of the brain/bleeding in skull and outside brain.

4. Liver: disturbed

All are Curable

A case for COMA

As per C T Brain Plain dated 23.07.2023

Extra axial Hypodense in right Parietal region of the brain, 60×10×48mm is dissolved and reduce to 2mm.

Miracle results, Achieved with Naturopathy, Lesss than 30 days.

No Hospitalization No Surgery.


When heart beats, it squeezes and pushes the blood through arteries to rest of the body. This force creates pressure is called B.P (high & low). Uncontrolled high BP leads to Hypertension & same is INCURABLE. A Person (9652533237), who was suffered with Diabetes & BP for last 15 years, got great relief with our Naturopathy, his BP disappeared permanently & allopathic medicines for sugar reduced to 40%, Miracle Results.


A breast cancer Patient ( 9820065128) who got operated & taken chemotherapy 5 years back, CARCINOMA reappeared larger in size with METASTASIS, now she is under our Naturopathic treatment and satisfactorily recovering.

A 72F years old Patient, cancerous tumor growth spreads into brain, lungs, liver etc. Given up by a famous cancer hospital in Hyderabad, recovered with Naturopathy Medicines.

A 63 years old Patient, about to get her cancerous uterus removed in the month of March, 2020 but due to covid-19 Pandemic, operation was postponed, meanwhile we treated her, she is completely cured, no operation required.


Utpatti (reproduction) is the boon to women folk, cleanging of body takes place through the monthly menstruation where body prepares to take child birth. Unfortunately, may be due to change of lifestyle, majority women facing the following gynec disorders.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS),

Uterine fibroids,

Cervical Dysplasia,

Irregular menstruation,

Pelvic Floor Prolapse,

Pelvic Pain,


Fatty (bulky) uterus,

Tumors (both carcinogenic/non-carcinogenic) in utirus and Breasts,

Viginal infections etc.

Most of above disorders are incurable and if it exists for longer periods it may leads to Cancer, hence Gynecologists immediately recommends for removal of UTERUS even in women who are in 20s & 30 years age and that is the end of their womenhood.

Our Shree Centre curing all gynec disorders through Naturopathic Medicines without surgery including Carcinoma (Cancer).


According to Indian Heart Association, the Young Indians are vulnerable to Heart Attacks/Failure due to..

Stress due to work pressure, Sleep discipline, Hormonal Imbalance, Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension (High BP), Fatty (Junk) food, Alcoholism, Smoking, Sedimentary lifestyle (Lack of physical activity), Atherosclerosis (fat deposits in blood vessels), Heart Muscle (weak) disorder (Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy) etc.

Above causes can be rectified in changing lifestyle I.e. intime sleeping, taking healthy food, avoid smoking and excessive alcoholism etc

Adjusting life with Nature and with Naturopathic methods the Young Indians can be saved from the Cardiovascular Diseases.



Acute respiratory distress syndrome, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Obstructive sleep apnea, Asthma, Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia, Pulmonary embolism, Cystic fibrosis, Bronchitis, Pulmonary hypertension, Lung cancer, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary embolism etc.

All are incurable and life threatening, we are giving permanent solutions.


It is a medical treatment, nothing but transplanting High dose healthy cells from the patient’s body into the same patient’s affected specific joint structure like knee joint etc. It is Performed basing on the Platelet rich Plasma Procedure. Practitioners use image guidance i.e. fluoroscopy & ultrasound. Plasma treatment is banned by WHO in the case of treating SARS CoV2 Patients.

Allopathic doctors claim that it’s an alternative treatment method to orthopaedic surgeries.

It’s not a new technique but existing in USA since 2005. May be better than use of steroids as it weakens the immune system.

Regenexx treatment can never be cost effective as the very existence of Allopathy is commercial & success rate can’t be 100%.

We are curing orthopaedic injuries with Naturopathy without surgery and with 100% success rate.


The condition of human heart can be decided with the following tests:

Blood tests ECG Ultrasound Stress (TMT) Angiogram MRI CCTV etc.

With the First three you can not make out the problem but in TMT it is detected. To quantify the disease, Allopathic Doctors insist on angiogram. The moment Patient undergoes angiogram, Corporate Hospitals perform either angioplasty/stent or bypass surgery and collect few lac rupees because it’s COMMERCIALIZED.

After TMT if Patient takes Naturopathy medicine, His/her disease will be completely cured, no stent/Bypass surgery required.


Bodily disease symptoms caused by mental disturbances such as stress, anxiety, depression etc. It can affect almost any part of the body. Some of them i.e. Psoriasis, Eczema, stomach Ulcers, Hypertension, heart diseases, diabetes, asthma etc are incurable but Nature cures.


  1. I am Professor Rabindranath Mahapatra,(9938933199), 72 years old, retired from Utkal University, Chemistry department, Bhubaneshwar. With a diabetic history since the past 40 years , used to take 80 units of insulin along with 2000 mg metformin hydrochloride & 100 grams Januvia per day. Now, I am taking Naturopathic medicine given by Shree Centre (SCIM) for diabetes since the last 3 months have stopped the consumption of allopathic medicines completely and my insulin dose has reduced to 30-35 units per day and my blood sugar levels are normal. Due to uncontrolled diabetes, my eye retina was affected and suffered with hypertension (High BP), heart & nerve related issues but by taking Naturopathic medicines I felt excellent relief. Thanks to Shree Centre and I wish them all the success in their future endeavors.
  2. I am 56 years old based in Bhubaneswar, present days have witnessed a catastrophe in the form of a dreaded viral infection affecting mostly human race round the globe, a treatment for which so far hasn’t been developed by modern day scientists and doctors using conventional methods of treatment. Shree centre for integrative medicine has found a more holistic dimension using traditional methods of treatment by designing lines of treatment for curing not just the disease but also the root of the disease. Since it’s inception, patients suffering from major and incurable chronic diseases have been prescribed and cured by the centre which has provided great respite as there are absolutely no side effects. Credit goes to the centre for practising and promote traditional naturopathic method of treatment.
  3. I am a 61-year old man(9440733044) retired as General Manager from ISRO. During my service, I was suffering from high blood pressure (170/105)and Diabetes(fasting sugar-175; Post lunch- 300), due to intense work pressure. I was heavily prescribed allopathic medicine, 8-9 tablets per day. Because of this, I was experiencing acidity and stomach-related disorders, besides general weakness, lack of appetite and dullness. I was told by doctors that I may have to use these medicines for life-long. In early 2020, I came to know about Shree Centre for Integrative Medicine. I consulted the doctors and started taking the medicine. I have also advised some herbal remedies for general toning up of the body. Initially, I was advised to continue with my prescribed dosage of allopathic medicine. Surprisingly, in a span of 2-3 months, my fasting – and post-lunch – sugar levels have decreased to 125-130 and 160, respectively. BP was hovering around 130/90. Gradually, the dosages of allopathic medicines were reduced to 2-3 tablets per day. I was feeling quite energetic, cheerful and active throughout the day. The earlier complaints of acidity and stomach problems disappeared completely. During the tele-conversations with Shree centre, I found the specialists to be very keen, cooperative, understanding and knowledgeable about the combined use of Homoeopathy, Allopathy and Ayurvedic and Naturopathy medical systems for better human health. I am very positive about the treatment given to me since it did not cost me a bomb and did not have any side effects on my body. I was told by the doctors that usage of allopathic drugs will be stopped completely in a few months from now. I am highly convinced about the efficacy of the treatment given by the Centre, especially for chronic disorders and certain diseases which do not have a complete cure in allopathy right now. I strongly recommend the patients, those especially suffering from chronic and incurable diseases like cancer, to give it a try at the Centre. I wish the Centre, with the blessings of Shri Mata Ji, should serve humanity, especially the poor and the needy, with their low-cost and effective medicines. I wish the Centre a grand success in accomplishing its avowed objectives and philanthropic goals. OM SHREE MAATHRE NAMAHA.

Contact Details

Phone: +91 9212366845 | +91 9915667793

Address: 403, Sukhna Enclave, Kasal, Chandigarh

Pincode: 160103

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